
Letting Go and Letting God

It's hard, y'know, to just let go. To pretend like it's alright to let go would just be a lie. Letting go of dreams, hopes, loves.... Getting rid of all the bad things in life. It hurts, it breaks you, it molds you.

Sometimes in life we have to let go. We have to release what we really wanted to happen, and yield it up to God. We have to let God work through us and in us. And everyone has dreams and plans they want to fulfil. When those dreams and plans don't happen we get disappointed, discouraged, frustrated... And it's hard to see how any of it is fair. It's hard to let go.  But when we do let go and let God work His "magic", then everything fits together so perfectly...so beautifully. And then we realize that letting go was for the absolute best. God will give you new dreams and plans. He'll always give you hope. And He'll never leave you.


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