
Beautiful Chaos //a poem//

So I wrote this a few days ago, and I kinda fell in love with the rhythm and words, and yeah.  Thought I'd share.

Beautiful Chaos

you could see it in her eyes,
a beautiful chaos that was shinning bright...
and you could feel it in her words,
the way she loved life and all that was in it...

even though she lived in pain,
and even though it never gave her rest...
she always had faith, had hope in the future,
now she wants you to see it, too...see the love of life...

...see the love of poetry, and words...
...see the love of paintings and long walks...
...feel the intertwined fingers of a lover,
...and hear the late night whispers of a friend...

she was a mix between disastrous melancholy,
and gorgeous abstract, that shined through her soul...
and she enjoyed the art of music and dance,
longing to live as long as possible...

...longing to see the world...
...to /feel/ the wind one last time...

she rarely cried, saving her tears for important things,
keeping her emotions locked deep in her heart...
until the right moment when she could freely express
her mind and dreams, and hopes...


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