
Picture Perfect

I got bored the other day and got out my sister's camera camera; took some pictures, tried to get some writing inspiration. Writing inspiration didn't really come, but I got some cool pics out of it, nonetheless. So that's happiness. 
So yeah, I guess all I am doing is showing off some of my horribly taken photos. XD My sister has some amazing photography, if you ever want to check out some, look here: https://instagram.com/rose_photo117/

Anyway, here's some that I took: 

Blocks that say "HOPE". Obviously. xP 

Gluten free bread that I baked earlier that day:

Brownies I baked earlier that day, too: 

Trees that I thought looked cool....

So, yeah. I wish our lives could be picture perfect. It would make everything so much easier. But then we wouldn't rely on God if we were already picture perfect. And even though I didn't get the writing inspiration I was hoping for, I did get some pretty pictures. 


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