
You're Beautiful

"You're beautiful, my darling." ~Song of Solomon 4:1

"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time:" Ecclesiastes 3:11 

I like to believe that God is sitting up there in Heaven and looking down on us (His creation) and telling us that we're beautiful. He created us. Every THING he has made is beautiful. Everyone looks different. Everything thinks differently. We all have our quirks, our differences, our personalities. And it's so beautiful. Darling, it's beautiful. Our thought process. The human body. The very brain in which we contemplate. Everything is beautiful. Even the smallest structure of our bodies was planned and sculpted into the most gorgeous thing ever. I love studying science and seeing how much care God put into creating us and this world. I love studying thought process analysis such as MBTI typing to see how we think. And it's so amazing. The detail. The personality each of us has. The detailed things of which we think and feel. I love studying Spiritual Gifts to see how we operate spiritually. And even when two people have the same MBTI personality type, or same Spiritual Gift, there is still major differences. There is still uniqueness. And God put so much time into each of us. It's beautiful. 


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