
He will finish //what// He has started

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing,
that he which hath begun a good
work in you will perform it until 
the day of Jesus Christ

Life. It's tough. It has it's struggles, it's heartaches, it's rough waters. And I know that we all wonder whether God will finish what He has started. Sometimes we wonder if He still cares, asking ourselves if God just threw us into a situation to never bring us to the end. But in His word it tells us that God will finish what He started. He will never abandon you. He will never forsake you. But rather, He'll be by your side the entire time, helping you through the waters, helping you rise above it, and get to the end. 

I saw an acronym for the word hope a while back and really fell in love with it, knowing that it was true. (Hope), Hold On, Pain Ends. And I feel like this applies to a bunch of different things in our life. Whatever you're going through, it will end. And Jesus isn't going to leave. He'll be by your side until the end. He will finish what He has started, until the day of Jesus Christ. 


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