
Big Things Often Have Small Beginnings

First of all, Studio Ghibli is amazing. And Totoro...he is so cute. Yep, look at the blue creature blowing the trumpet. That's Totoro. *smiles* He's adorable. But I didn't come here to talk about him, as amazing as he is. I came to talk about  Big things often having small beginnings. You can't just start off as a football pro, or a black belt, or chief of police. You have to start small before you can go big. 'Practice makes perfect,' they say.
I am a writer, and I wasn't born this way. I didn't pick up a pen and write amazing work worth publishing. I did pick up the pen, and I wrote, but it was really bad at first. It took a lot of practicing, just like everything else does in life. I had to learn grammar and spelling, and structure and prose. The writing talent was already there, but it took some time to coax out, and I still am not anywhere near publishing yet. But big things start small. I had to take that first step and had to say "I am going to write" and then work really hard at it to achieve my goal.
Most of the time in life we want things to succeed the first time. We want things to be quick and easy. But we all know the best musicians practice for hours at a time on one piece of music, the best plays are done and redone until voice tone and facial expressions are mastered, the best dancers have spent long, hard hours standing on their toes just to master one move, and the best authors wrote and rewrote a dozen different novels and poems until one finally worked. Until all those hard, long hours paid off and a publisher finally accepted them.
So this is my small beginning. A blog with my writings.


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