

{L O V E}

What is it you love? Stop and think for a moment about what it is you actually love.
Now think about why you love it. Think about the actual reasons why you place emotional investment into an object, activity, person, or place. Think about what it is you think that object, activity, person, or place will gain for yourself. You have now placed trust into this thing you love. You have placed an emotion stronger than anything else in the world, and why? What's the purpose? We're all going to live and we're all going to die, and when we die, the things of this world will fade away. So WHY do you love the things you love. WHAT do you think the things you love will gain you?

I love...

Why do I love those things? I don't. That's simple. I don't love any of those things. I just have a deep appreciation for them. I enjoy them. That's all anyone has for anything. The only thing you can truly love is people. And the only way you can get love back is from people.

Now ask yourself what is it you love.

I love...
my parents
my cat (yes, my cat)

Definition of "love".

[ ləv ] 
  1. an intense feeling of deep affection:
    "babies fill parents with intense feelings of love"
    synonyms: deep affection · fondness · tenderness · warmth · intimacy · 
    feel a deep romantic attachment to (someone):
    "do you love me?"
    synonyms: care very much for · feel deep affection for · hold very dear · 
Powered by OxfordDictionaries · © Oxford University Press

So. That's the Oxford definition of love. It sounds just like the first examples I used. Just a deep affection for something. Not real love. So what exactly is real love, and what do we expect to get back from it? Why do you love, why do you get love, and why doesn't everyone feel loved?  Maybe earthly love doesn't exist. Maybe the only true love out there is God's. And I think this is true. There is no earthly love; however, humans can't live without love. It's why we say we "love" everything. It's why we believe in this deep affection for things. But love is felt here on earth. God allows us to feel His love through certain people. He allows us to feel His love through our parents, family, friends, husband, wife... He allows us to (sort of) understand His love through His Word: the Bible. We can't ever really know God's love. All we know is that it is true, and very, very powerful. He sent His only Son to die for us mortals, because He loves us. 
So define what you love. 
Ask yourself what is you really love. 
Is it even real love? 
Or just an deep affection for earthly things? 
Is that where you find your comfort? In earthly objects? 

Or do you find it in God? Where true love comes from. 

~Sarah <3

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