
Coffee {Thankfuls}

So my mom has this board that's in the kitchen called "The Thankful Board". Whenever we have stuff we're thankful for, we write it down on a sticky note and put it on the board. So many neat, little things get put on that board. Things that if we're not looking get overlooked. They get missed. I heard a saying a while back that went something like: "If you woke up in the morning and only had the things you were thankful for yesterday, what would you end up with?" I probably wouldn't end up with much. Why? Because during the day life gets busy. There's school and work and chores and so many other things we get caught up in, that we don't even take time to let God know we're thankful. To tell Him we appreciate all that He has given us. It takes five minutes. Or even less than that. Just tell God "thank you".
....so why is this post named "Coffee"? Because the other day I wrote "coffee" on a sticky note and hung it up. I love coffee, but it wasn't really the coffee I was thankful for. Coffee brings on fond memories. I think of my mom every time I drink coffee. I think of my sister, too. And when I drink coffee, their faces pop into my mind, and I thank God for them. Small things like that trigger memories and fondness. Those small things we need to thank God for. They seem silly to others, but to us they mean a lot. And God loves it when we feel passionate about something and then thank Him for that passion and love. <3
So thank God for something. Thank Him for every thing. And cherish those small things.


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